
About Me

First up, an introduction on the owner of this blog.
The owner (that would be me) of this blog loves painting her nails. Back in the days of old, she used to pay through her nose to get nail art designs and where most people usually read a magazine or sleep throughout the process. She always chose to sit and quietly watch how the manicurist like an artist, paint intricate designs on her otherwise boring basic manicure. Usually the main person who reaps the rewards of her observation is her usually her mom as she paints her mom's nails every fortnight.

On occasion, she may find herself some (willing, others not so) guinea pig to test out her skills on. Usually they come to her when they have an event to attend and need a nice paint job. She tries her best to match their nails to the colour of their dress. Sometimes she falls short because:
1) Cheap nail polish are horrendous to work with...
2) The good ones very rarely ARE cheap
3) The colour choices is very much limited... and
4) Some brands of polishes are not available in Malaysia

Why Nail-ChitChat?
See now the owner, is a bit of an emotional person. When she does nails for others, it's usually based on the outfit they are going to wear or in her mother's case, whichever colours she feels like using (Mom never wears the same colour a month in a row). But when it comes to designing her own nails, it highly depends on the mood she is in during said day.
So she and her bestie (aka HuntressMoon who is also her numero uno guinea pig) were throwing around names for this blog. The name has two meanings behind it.

1) The owner herself is quite the chatterbox. It is very rare to see her silent. An extrovert who loves meeting people from all walks of life.
2) The owner's own nailart usually features a theme and a small clue as to her current mood (she is after all a Cancerian by nature so moodswings are inevitable) on the day her polish is painted. So if people are more attuned to this (hint: the bf), they would have an inkling as to what's bugging her. After all, it's the small things in life that matters and what best to portray this other than tiny messages on nails?
3) It is a known fact, that whenever a female visits a saloon (any type for that matter) chit chat is bound to take place. With our own personal stylist, personal manicurist, etc.

With all these in  mind, what better name is there other than Nail-ChitChat?

So what made you start a nail blog?
For far to long, we Malaysians have been tricked into believing the Gucci/Prada/LV of nail polish was OPI (and about 5 years? ago Jessica) because that's what ALL the nail shops are offering. We want to be unique. We want to be different. We want to be spoilt for choice when it comes to nail colours. We don't want to walk out and have every other girl wearing the current OPI collection... What if we don't like the new collection?

And when it comes down to buying our own polishes, OPI is mad expensive at RM59 for a normal colour. RM69 for a Designer Series (I can have a satisfying lunch for two with that). Plus the choices are very limited. What if we want to get a previous collection? What are our options? Brands at our Guardian, SaSa and Watson usually offers really boring (note: red, red and more red) colours or horrific looking in-yo-face colours that are a manicurist's application nightmare. Or the colours are almost always sheer (note: Face Shop).

Of course there are other brands like Skin Food which have some pretty interesting colours. But they are not in the nail line hence. It's only one collection. That's it. Plus it doesn't marble well.

Which comes to my next reason. I love marbling. I love the effect. I love how gorgeous it looks on the nails. So far, none of my manicurist is willing to do it for me. They say it's too time consuming and messy. It wastes polish (I'm beginning to wonder if they even know how to do marbling cos my current manicurist asked me to teach her how to marble when she saw one of my many own creations). Huntress asked her own manicurist (when they noticed her nails were marbled) and they quoted her RM160. 160!!! Don't even let me start on the prices for nail art.

All these hiked up prices with limited choices of colours. Hence, the reason why we're starting up this blog. Stay tuned for more information on that.

Until next time... XOXOXO


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